Morrow's marketplace starter-kit, MarketLaunch, is now fully open-source and available to use by anyone looking to build their next marketplace app. We're excited to see where this takes MarketLaunch and to colloberating with the wider community to continue to expand MarketLaunch's offering.

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As you may have seen last week, MarketLaunch, our starter kit for building marketplace apps, has officially become an open-source project!

This is an incredibly exciting time for MarketLaunch. By transitioning to open-source, our aim is to make it easier for marketplace operators to access and use the kit, while also expanding its core functionality through contributions from both Morrow’s team and the wider community.

So, what is MarketLaunch?

MarketLaunch is a starter kit designed for anyone looking to build a marketplace app. With this kit, you get all the essential aspects of building a marketplace app sorted for you right out of the box. This helps developers save up to 60% of the time they would typically spend on marketplace app development.

In the current version of MarketLaunch, we’ve focused on building out the core back-office features every marketplace application needs. This includes:

  • Vendor sign-up
  • Vendor order dashboard
  • Vendor order management (including order fulfilment)
  • Vendor product management (including multi-variant SKUs per product)
  • Vendor payment setup (via Stripe Connect)
  • Vendor account management/settings
  • Buyer sign-up
  • Buyer order management (including order cancellation)
  • Buyer account management/settings

At present, MarketLaunch is integrated with Swell, a headless eCommerce platform that’s ideal for building marketplace apps. However, we’re looking to add support for more eCommerce platforms in the future.

Why open-source?

Regardless of your preferred tech stack, the world of app development, and software development as a whole, is underpinned by open-source projects.

Here at Morrow, we are strong believers in the importance of open-source. We think it plays a vital role in the progression of the mobile app development ecosystem. Where possible, we like to contribute to open-source projects and share our own projects with the community, helping to drive forward and improve app development for everyone.

Find out more

If you are interested in finding out more about MarketLaunch then you can visit the MarketLaunch website or check out MarketLaunch on GitHub.

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